Sunday, June 14, 2009

Too Busy to BLOG!!

Okay, I've decided I'm not a very faithful blogger! It's not that I don't want to blog, I am too busy to blog anything spectacular!! Summer has us going and going and going!!! Between work, Bryce's baseball two nights a week plus practice, Caden's art camp and going swimming and to the park for lunch everyday, playing with friends it has been a crazy busy summer so far. Last FRIDAY, we went to Blackfoot to go to my cousins wedding in Idaho Falls on Saturday at the Shilo Inn. I have to say that was the most interesting wedding I have ever been to. I say interesting because it was one big party. I guess I'm old fashioned because I have never experienced a wedding other than a church wedding and reception it was nothing like a church wedding. My cousin looked very beautiful and so did her little girl it seemed they were all having a wonderful time. We left before the dance started and I'm glad we did I didn't want to explain to my kids why women were dancing together. Oh, well the food was great, (SHRIMP, mmm... good) and it didn't cost me a thing. Anyway, this week is going to be just as crazy we are going to Blackfoot again tomorrow to grandma's house because I have two aunts that are coming in from Colorado we are having a BBQ tomorrow night and the monthly family birthday party. The kids and I will be spending the night and coming back before Bryce's has to go to swimming lessons. This week we have swimming lessons, baseball, enrichment night,mutual, moroni's promise party and all that other fun stuff summer brings!! OH, what a CRAZY, BUSY LIFE!!!


  1. In the middle of all this chaos you better remember Father's Day. Even though it is crazy busy, don't you love summer though?

    We love MaKenna! She is the cutest.

  2. By the way... our new address is

    Since I use first names, I didn't want them connected to our last name.
