Monday, June 1, 2009


YES, I made it through the month of MAY!!! Last week seemed like a blur to me because we were so busy!! Russell had vacation last week so we were very busy. We left Sunday after church last weekend to go to Blackfoot to visit for the holiday. While we were there we went to the graves, visited family, had a picnic, played games etc..... Caden talked Grandma and I into letting him stay the week with her and we picked him up Friday in Pocatello. Tues. we came back for Bryce's b-ball game and my last (sniffle, sniffle) presidency meeting. Wed. I went to the new Walgreens to help them set up the card department. Setting up took all day from 8-5. Boy, I am not use to being on my feet all day long. After I got home I was tired!! Thurs. I went to Twin to help set up the card dept. at the new Wal-Mart. Fri. I worked here for a couple of hours then headed to Pocatello for my nieces graduation and BBQ afterwards. It was so nice to see my older sister and her family. I haven't seen them for about a year. Sat. we finished painting our bedroom and I started to do the sponge painting. I'm not quite done that's my project for this week. Sunday was a sad day for me, because the primary president has moved and this was our last Sunday as a presidency. I image we will be released next Sunday (SNIFFLE,SNIFFLE)! LIFE IS SO BUSY AND CHANGES SO MUCH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I like it when it's low key and I can relax!

1 comment:

  1. I hope life slows down for you. Sounds like it's been crazy. I'm still wondering who the new presidency will be. Quite the mystery. I will miss our presidency meetings.
