Thursday, April 30, 2009


Caden had to get a Physical from the Dr. to go to scout camp this summer. We had explained before hand what to expect. Russell went over the whole turn your head and cough thing. Yesterday, I picked him up from school to go. He said he was nervous and didn't want the Dr. to touch his private parts. WHO DOES!! Anyway, we go in and they take his height, weight, blood pressure etc... The Dr. comes in talks to him starts checking him out and then he says. Okay here the hardest part of the exam. I have to check out your BOYS. Caden says, yeah I know, my mom & dad told me about it. Me & MaKenna go out in the hall to wait for him he comes out with a look like that was SO EMBARASSING. Later that night Caden was telling Bryce that he had to go to the Dr. and he had to check out his private part. He says, yeah and he gets to see what color your underwear are and if you have poop stains on them. I said, did you have any stains on yours. He says, no luckliy not this time. That would have been so embarrassing it was bad enough already. I just had to laugh and the rest of the night that was the topic at our house. It is so funny the things kids say. I LOVE MY KIDS!!!!


  1. Funny story! Aw boys!!! What would we do without them?

  2. Oh, boys! That was hilarious and a moment that you will have to remember to tell him later in life.
